So far as the Company is aware, as of 12 July 2024, the following shareholders owned over 3% of shares:
Shareholder |
Percentage % |
Octopus Investments | 9.9 |
M&G Investments | 5.6 |
Abrdn plc | 5.6 |
FIL Limited | 5.3 |
Polar Capital | 5.3 |
Gresham House plc | 4.8 |
Hargreaves Lansdown Asset Management | 4.5 |
G&J Watkin Jones 1992 Settlement Trust | 4.4 |
Amati Global Partners | 3.4 |
As of 29 January 2025, the following directors held shares in the Company:
Director | Shares held | Percentage % |
Alan Giddins | 1,028.000 | 0.4 |
Alex Pease | 868,206 | 0.34 |
Simon Jones | 239,000 | 0.09 |
Liz Reilly | 50,000 | 0.02 |
Rachel Addison | 49,693 | 0.02 |
Francis Salway | 45,500 | 0.02 |
Country of Incorporation and Main Country of Operation
Watkin Jones plc, is incorporated in England & Wales (company number 9791105). The Company operates in the UK.
Number of securities in issue
As of 1 February 2024 the Company’s issued share capital consists of 256,441 253 ordinary shares with a nominal value of £0.01 each. The Company has no treasury shares.
Details of any restrictions on the transfer of securities
There are no restrictions on any of the Company's AIM securities.
Securities not in public hands
As of 1 February 2024, so far as the Company is aware, the percentage of the Company’s issued share capital that is not in public hands is 0.8%.
Details of other exchanges or trading platforms
The Company's shares will only be traded on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market at present.
Company Registration
Registered Office: 12 Soho Square, London W1D 3QF. Registered in England and Wales (company number 9791105).